Business and Life: Trends

What else is there?

The Truth?

“If you don’t have the experience of something you’re not at liberty to write about it.” Do you agree? Can I tell if I’m telling my truth? Am I writing for an audience that I’m trying to impress? Am I trying to impress you right now? Here’s what I want you to know: I struggle […]

Best Travel List

If you pack these items you will always have a good time, wherever you go, in any season of the year. A sense of humor Curiosity Patience A sense of direction Reliable systems Sleep Something to read Something to write in and with Bravery Presence A positive attitude Snacks Your memory Listening skills Openness The […]

Book Launch January 28, 2018

Giving My Self to the Wind    I had so much fun. The top left photo is of my husband Don and my son Ted with me at the Gatsby Books signing. Next on the left, friends Tim and Nancy Thomas, and then my brother Bob and me.  The threesome at the bottom are my […]


This is my book. I wrote it because I had to put my self out. Be out. These are pieces of me (they’re always called pieces, whether a piece of music, art, or writing) that assure me I was here. I never thought of that before, but it’s true. Creatives leave these little breadcrumbs like Hansel […]


We are inundated with content all day long. We are buried in promotions. Suffocating from inbound. Struggling to create outbound. So because writing is all around us, it seems that it is an easy thing to do. But it’s not. WRITING is not easy. Good writing is really, really hard. People write emails all day long. […]

You Need a Break

Hire a professional. Perhaps a professional writer, even. Maybe you have too many projects for the writers on your staff. Maybe you’re the writer and the staff—and you’re doing it all. Sometimes it’s just plain hard to come up with a new angle. Your writers and you have been writing about the company for years. […]