Business and Life: Trends

What else is there?


At our weekly altMBA check-in meeting, one of our braver souls shared her plan to take six weeks off before embarking on her next “thing.” The thing was not defined, and the six weeks would be time to ponder, reflect, and choose. Or not. What if you did that? Would you plan a vacation? Take […]

Basket Envy

Have you seen it at Costco? It’s almost a sport. People peek over the top of others’ overstuffed shopping carts… on the way IN and on the way OUT! On the way IN they’re saying, “What do I need to look for once I get in?” On the way OUT, they say (I’ve actually heard […]

What, Me Worry?

I’m still plowing through the 1944 Dale Carnegie book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. The truth of his words in today’s 2016 world makes me realize we’re not that much different today than we were 72 years ago. Or maybe 172 years ago. Or 1172 years ago. I don’t know. For today’s entry I am sharing […]

Taking a Break

“Give me a break.” In the vernacular, ‘give me a break’ means “Oh, come on.” On the other hand, taking a break has no second meaning. Does that mean it’s more serious? Taking a break is so important that it is mandated by law to protect employees from being forced to work without eating or […]

Life Is A LIttle Kid

You never know what will happen when you wake up in the morning. What will this day bring? If I wake up with a positive soul, will the day always bring goodness? It’s impossible to know what will happen, but comfortable to know that I can respond to what happens in a positive manner. I’d […]


Just say yes. Yes to life. Yes to happiness. Yes to adventure.  Yes to experiments. Yes to yesterday. Yes to being outside. Yes to travel. Yes to solitude. Yes to crowds. Yes to humbleness. Giving. Gratitude.  Yes to meditation. Consciousness. Yes to frugality. Yes to creativity. Forgiveness. Prayer. Enlightenment, learning, knowledge.  Yes to children. Babies. […]

Corporate Kindness

In today’s USA Today, we saw a renewed focus on corporate kindness. In the old days, they used to call it social responsibility. In business school, they used to tell us that social responsibility was not in the interest of the shareholders. The shareholders demand a profit, they said. That was then. This is now. […]