Business and Life: Trends

What else is there?

4 Acronyms to Challenge Our Thinking

    Photo by Pixabay on 4 Acronyms to Challenge Our Thinking and Prevent Absorption by Artificial Intelligence (AI) WIIFM —  What’s In It For Me? WIIFU — What’s In It For Us?   WYSIWYG — What You See Is What You Get WYSIATI — What You See Is All There Is  A thought piece by Kathryn Atkins […]

I’m an American

Note to Readers: This is fiction. The security line stretched from the screener checkpoint back through the boarding pass/I.D. checkers, and around the Disney-esque, maze-like lanes almost to the street. It was a Friday afternoon. TSA agents hated Fridays. Passengers waxed surly from long workweeks. Businessmen wanted to get home; weekend travelers wanted to escape […]

Basket Envy

Have you seen it at Costco? It’s almost a sport. People peek over the top of others’ overstuffed shopping carts… on the way IN and on the way OUT! On the way IN they’re saying, “What do I need to look for once I get in?” On the way OUT, they say (I’ve actually heard […]


Really? Seriously? Ah, come on… I don’t see how the boxes of crackers can get any smaller, the packages of cookies any littler, the ice cream containers any tinier, or the chip bags any more filled with air (and NOT product).  Do they think we don’t notice? Do they think we’ll be glad there’s less […]