Business and Life: Trends

What else is there?

The Business of Belief

I have just read The Business of Belief by Tom Asacker. Who knew there could be so much wisdom in such a small book? At 121 pages, it’s a quick read, and yet, the profoundness of each entry made me want to read it again. And again.  So I did. Here are some quotes: “Say […]

Summers Past

Heat. Humidity. Water to cool hot bodies. Reading books in a hammock. Tubing, water skiing, doing jigsaw puzzles, hiding from thunderstorms, picking frogs out of the meadow, listening to rain, seeing fish jumping out of the lake, eating cotton candy, smelling the wet sand, dipping feet in the lake, swimming, boating, doing nothing. Those are […]

Scrapbooking, anyone?

If you look at the Internet today, with everyone’s photos, movies, and lives chronicled across every forum imaginable, you might easily believe that paper holds no candle to virtual documentation. I was surprised, then, to see what I thought was a very large section of a well-known craft store dedicated to scrapbooking, and at the […]

Curated Brands

Curated Brands Posted on June 7, 2013 by kathrynatkins When is a post not a post? Hah. This post popped up on Twitter, but has yet to drop here.  It’s a mystery. Here it is today in my blog, and I hope it’s not a repeat for my followers. Until now,  I did not tend to […]

To achieve

To achieve great things, two things are needed: A plan and not quite enough time. ~ Leonard Bernstein I heard this Bernstein quote yesterday, but it didn’t sink in until the subconscious pulled it up to conscious. It’s plain awesome that this great American composer, conductor, author, music lecturer and pianist knew the value of […]

Tesla Motors, Autopilot Cars, You, Me, and Them

  For starters, if you want to find out more about Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of Tesla Motors, head over to the TED Talk for a recent interview. Otherwise, stand back to witness the future unfold before your very eyes.   I hear you from all the way over here in my blog […]

IBM makes a movie!

Did you read that IBM has made a movie? It’s called “A Boy and His Atom” and it’s a 90-second tribute to science, creativity,  and (re)invention. IBM was the lumbering pachyderm star from the book Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance by Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. written over eleven years ago now. The book was a […]

Publish… or Perish

Paul Nicklen, photographer for National Geographic, states in his TED talk of March 2011 that National Geographic reminds him quite frequently, “We publish pictures not excuses.” As business people, we can only sell our products, not excuses. We can only sell our services, not excuses.   The growth and survival of our companies depend on […]

Plan B

What is a Plan B, besides a morning after pill? It’s a backup. It’s the spare tire. It’s what you should have behind your Plan A. Plan B’s are scary because we rarely even have a Plan A.  Why not? Companies usually have Plan A’s. Or Plans. Do they have Plan B’s? Shouldn’t they? What […]

Mismatched Socks and Marketing

It might have started with Helena Bonham Carter (HBC) at the 2011 Golden Globes. OR before. HBC rocked the fashion world by wearing OMG mismatched shoes!  Clearly on purpose, she chose one gray, and one red.  Not to be confused with the time I went to work with one navy blue, and one black leather […]