Business and Life: Trends

What else is there?

10 Two-Letter Words

“If it is to be it is up to me.” ~ Senator Cory Booker   I heard the quote while listening to ‘On Being’ with Krista Tippet’s Podcast . Go for it!

The Challenge and Joy of Finishing

Mozart. Bach. Van Gogh. Rodin. Margaret Mitchell. Stephen King. Stephen Spielberg. George Lucas. Have you heard of these folks? They all finished something. Did they know they were done? Probably, they just got tired of messing with whatever they were working on, put a period, an ending, a final splotch of paint or marble or […]


This is my book. I wrote it because I had to put my self out. Be out. These are pieces of me (they’re always called pieces, whether a piece of music, art, or writing) that assure me I was here. I never thought of that before, but it’s true. Creatives leave these little breadcrumbs like Hansel […]

Exclamation Points!!!

Has anyone noticed besides me? When I first started writing professionally, the rule was “only one exclamation point on a page.” What happened? The little devils sneak into so many places, they’re like ants, crawling through paragraphs carrying their dead and dropping them here and there, I guess. I don’t know. Exclamation points are everywhere. […]

A Necessary Convenience

Q: What 20th century “convenience” is most taken for granted?
 A: 69% voted for TOILET PAPER; 42% say the zipper; 38% say frozen foods Q: If stranded on a desert island with only one “necessity,” what would you choose?
 A: 49% of people surveyed chose toilet paper as their greatest island necessity ahead of food. […]

A Little Science to the Rescue

Below is my list of a few things for which I would just as soon have someone or something come to me in the middle of the night and handle, so I don’t have to make an appointment for it, panic myself with the anticipation of it, suffer the pain of it, or take the time […]

The Project Lifestyle (TPL)

We all voted and it’s unanimous. The Project Lifestyle (TPL) is a means to sanity in an insane world. What is it? Who uses it? When? Where? Why does it work? How does it work? What is TPL? Life is a project. Webster’s defines project as: “an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned […]

I’m an American

Note to Readers: This is fiction. The security line stretched from the screener checkpoint back through the boarding pass/I.D. checkers, and around the Disney-esque, maze-like lanes almost to the street. It was a Friday afternoon. TSA agents hated Fridays. Passengers waxed surly from long workweeks. Businessmen wanted to get home; weekend travelers wanted to escape […]

The Sky Is Falling!

Chicken Little was sure of it. I am too. I felt it. Didn’t you? Bang. There goes another one. I especially feel this way when I look at news — or read a newspaper (yes I still do that, although I’m not sure why). Here’s the deal: Chicken Little attracted ATTENTION when she said the […]