What Would I Tell a 22-Year-Old Today?
Everyone your age gets lots of advice. And you’re not even asking for it, are you? Well, here’s the deal: when you ask for advice, you’re pretty much tapping into the stuff you already know, deep down inside at the gut level. You know it. Yes. You know it.
Here are five things I’d like to tell you. It’s a short list—so I hope you’ll read it.
- Be kind.
- Fail fast and often (like Michael Jordan!).
- Read (or listen) voraciously.
- Smile widely.
- Don’t forget to have fun.
We could go on for paragraphs. Write books (there are lots). And make long speeches. But those are the five that matter today. If you want my advice, see what books, speeches, podcasts, and TED talks exist to expand on each of these ideas. Or not. Just having these five to think about should do it.
P.S. If you’re not 22, it’s okay. You might also consider the five suggestions above.
“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” ~ Michael Jordan